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Logout URL in Parallels Plesk Billing does not match new hostname

Parallels Plesk Panel and SSO server are running on the same server and integrated. That means Parallels Plesk Panel is registered in SSO server and SSO mode is enabled.

I changed server hostname and registered Parallels Plesk Panel in SSO server anew with utility $PRODUCT_ROOT_D/bin/sso:

~# /usr/local/psa/bin/sso -s -server https://:11443 -url https://:11444
SUCCESS: SSO preferences are successfully updated

Now Parallels Plesk Panel is available at https://:8443 and new hostname is shown in Plesk configuration:

~# hostname

~# $PRODUCT_ROOT_D/bin/sso -g
SSO on
sso server url: https://:11443
sso relay url: https://:11444

However when I click "Log out" button in Parallels Plesk Panel old hostname is shown in URL: https://:8443/sso/signout.

How do I change Logout-url?

SSO logout-url is stored in database of SSO server /var/lib/sso/sso.db. It is configured during registration of Parallels Plesk Panel in SSO server to match Plesk full hostname. Plesk full hostname is stored in table misc of Plesk database.

It may be viewed and configured through Parallels Plesk Panel interface and in Plesk database directly.

In Parallels Plesk Panel GUI {Settings -> Server Settings -> Full hostname}. Use the following command to check the parameter in Plesk database:

~# mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` psa -e"select * from misc where param='FullHostName'"
| param | val |
+--------------+--------------- +
| FullHostName | |

To reconfigure SSO logout-url you should change Plesk full hostname and re-register Parallels Plesk Panel in SSO server anew.
You may check Plesk full hostname via Parallels Plesk Panel interface {Settings -> Server Settings -> Full hostname} or with utility /usr/local/psa/bin/server_pref:

~# /usr/local/psa/bin/server_pref --update -hostname
SUCCESS: Server preferences are successfully updated

And re-register Parallels Plesk Panel on SSO server:

~# $PRODUCT_ROOT_D/bin/sso -s -server https://:11443 -url https://:11444
SUCCESS: SSO preferences are successfully updated

After new registration of Parallels Plesk Panel in SSO server you should restore all connections of global and local accounts anew.
You may do that through Parallels Plesk Panel: {System -> Global Account -> Disconnect from Global Account} and {System -> Global Account -> Connect To Global Account}.

Additional information:
Run utility /usr/local/psa/bin/sso with "--help" to get list of all available options.
~# /usr/local/psa/bin/sso --help

Usage: sso command [options]

Available commands:
--enable or -e Enable SSO mode
--disable or -d Disable SSO mode
--set-prefs or -s Set SSO preferences
--get-prefs or -g Get SSO preferences
--set-branded-idp Set branded IdP URL or table of
domains with IdP URls associated for
all domains
if http-request-domain is not
--get-branded-idp Get branded IdP URL for specified
domain, or table of domains with IdP
URls associated for all domains
if http-request-domain is not
--del-branded-idp Romove all Branded IdP URLs (reset to
default) or delete specified IdP URL
only or delete
specified IdP URL associated with
specified domain
--help or -h Displays this help page

Available options:
-server Set SSO Server URL
-url Set IdP URL
-domain Set HTTP Request Domain
Version: 9.0.1_build90090127.18 os_CentOS 5


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