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error using key: error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch

When trying to paste in a certificate/key pair, if you get this message:

error using key: error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch

The certificate and key do not match. Please ensure you are using the correct key with this certificate

it means the wrong key is being used with the certificate.

Each certificate wil only have 1 key that will work with it.  If you don't have, or have lost the original key, you must start the process over again to create a new certificate.

A common cause of losing the key is if you first create your certificate request normally, but prior to installing your new certificate, you create a self-signed cert/key pair.  This will create a new key, overwriting your previous key, hence you'll run into the issue.

Another common cause is if you create the certificate request (CSR) as an Admin on the server IP.  This method is slightly different in that you're working on the shared server certificate, and it cannot have a temporary key set.   This means that when the CSR is created, the key is displayed with the CSR and is not saved anywhere.  The Admin *must* copy the key from that location and save it somewhere safe.  Failure to save the key will prevent you from installing the certificate generated from the CSR, as the key is required.

Regardless of the cause, if you've lost the key for your certificate, you must start the process over again by generating a new certificate request.   Most certificate issuers will grant you a few tries to get it right.

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