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How do I set SSL certificate for Plesk installed inside a Virtuozzo container ?

NOTE: This article is for Virtuozzo 2.6x/3.x/4.x systems with Parallels Plesk Control Panel 7x./8.x/9.x Containers.

For the details on Virtuozzo 3.x/2.6.x version please follow this procedure.
For the details on Virtuozzo 3.x/4.x version and Plesk 7.x/8.x/9.x please follow this procedure.

If Parallels Plesk Panel (hereafter Plesk) is installed inside a Parallels Virtuozzo Containers (hereafter Virtuozzo) container and offline management is turned on for that container then all requests to Plesk Panel port 8443 are being intercepted by a Virtuozzo Service Container. So that if you set your own SSL certificate for Plesk Panel with "Secure Control Panel" option, this certificate will not be used but a default SSL certificate installed inside a Virtuozzo Service Container will be used.

If you want to set up a separate SSL certificate into a container with Plesk:

For Virtuozzo 3.x/2.6.x version you may use the following instructions:

Let assume we have the container #101 with IP address '' and hostname "".

  1. Take SSL certificate from the container #101, it is accessible as /vz/root/101/usr/local/psa/admin/conf/httpsd.pem file on a hardware node and split it to separate files and files which contain certificate and private key parts accordingly. Place these files into a Service Container in /vz/root/1/etc/vzcp directory.

  2. Add the following section in the end of /vz/root/1/etc/vzcp/httpd.conf file for the Virtuozzo 3.x:

    ServerName ""
    ProxyPreserveHost On

    RequestHeader set X_VZCP_API_VERSION 30000
    RequestHeader set X_VZCP_PROXY_MODE 1
    RequestHeader set X_VZCP_PSA_PORT 8443
    RequestHeader set X_VZCP_PSA_PROTO https
    RequestHeader set X_VZCP_PSA_BASE_URL /vz/cp/psa/frameset
    RequestHeader set X_VZCP_PSA_NOSERV_URL /vz/cp/psa/noservice
    RequestHeader set X_VZCP_PSA_RESTORE_URL /vz/cp/psa/restore_session
    RequestHeader set X_VZCP_PSA_PASSWD_URL /vz/cp/restore-password

    SSLEngine on
    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteRule ^/?$ /vz/cp/psa/frameset [R]
    RewriteRule ^/vz/cp/?$ /vz/cp/psa/frameset [R]
    RewriteRule ^/login\.php3.*$ /vz/cp/psa/frameset [R]
    RewriteRule ^/(vz|psa|favicon.ico) - [L]
    RewriteRule ^(/.*)$ http://%{SERVER_ADDR}:8880$1 [P,QSA]

    SSLCertificateFile "/etc/vzcp/"
    SSLCertificateKeyFile "/etc/vzcp/"

    SetEnv VZCP_PORT 8443
    SetEnv VZCP_MODE_PLESK yes
    SetEnv VZCP_PSA_BASE_URL /vz/cp/psa/frameset

    ErrorDocument 502 "/vz/cp/psa/noservice"

    If you need to use CA Certificate, also add SSLCACertificatePath directive and specify the path to the file that contains CA Certificate.

    NOTE: if you have Virtuozzo 2.6.2 installed please change X_VZCP_API_VERSION to 20602 so that the corresponding line looks like this:

    RequestHeader set X_VZCP_API_VERSION 20602

  3. You may set the ServerName or check that it is possible to resolve hostname by IP from inside a Service Container. You may add this line into /etc/hosts inside a Service Container if needed:

  4. Restart the 'vzcp' service inside a Service Container:
    # vzctl exec 1 service vzcp restart

    For Virtuozzo 3.x and 4.x version and Plesk 7.x, 8.x and 9.x: please download attached file (see attachments in the bottom of article), extract and run it on Virtuozzo node and follow its instructions:

    # gunzip
    # ./ -h

    NOTE: the attached script is working correctly for Parallels Plesk Control Panel 7.x, 8.x, and 9.x.

For Virtuozzo 4.x version and Plesk 9.x you may also use this manual procedure:

In this example we assume that we have Virtuozzo Container #101 with hostname "" (where Plesk is installed), and with IP addresses "" and "".
  1. It is necessary to obtain first SSL Certificate and Key for the Plesk Container #101, then please save them as file /etc/vzcp/plesk-$CTID.pem inside Service Container #1.

    Example of its content:

    [root@HW_NODE ~]# cat /vz/root/1/etc/vzcp/plesk-101.pem
    key body here
    -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

    certificate body here
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----

  2. /etc/vzcp/addon_httpd_conf/plesk9-ssl.conf file should be created inside Service Container with content like:

    # cat /vz/root/1/etc/vzcp/addon_httpd_conf/plesk9-ssl.conf


    # mod_proxy must send Host: field from client request to backend as-is
    # This header used by psa apache for calculate some significant varibles like
    # server_name
    ProxyPreserveHost On

    # when turn SSLEnginge OFF, remember correct redirect cookie:
    # VZCP_PSA_PROTO:http

    RequestHeader set X_VZCP_PROXY_MODE 1
    # take care about sync "API" and functionality in xsl code.
    RequestHeader set X_VZCP_API_VERSION 30000
    RequestHeader set X_VZCP_PSA_PORT 8443
    RequestHeader set X_VZCP_PSA_PROTO https
    RequestHeader set X_VZCP_PSA_BASE_URL /vz/cp/panel/plesk/frameset
    RequestHeader set X_VZCP_PSA_NOSERV_URL /vz/cp/panel/plesk/noservice
    RequestHeader set X_VZCP_PSA_RESTORE_URL /vz/cp/panel/plesk/restore_session
    RequestHeader set X_VZCP_PSA_PASSWD_URL /vz/cp/restore-password

    SSLEngine on
    SSLCertificateFile "/etc/vzcp/plesk-101.pem"
    SSLCertificateKeyFile "/etc/vzcp/plesk-101.pem"

    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteRule ^/?$ /vz/cp/panel/plesk/frameset [R]
    RewriteRule ^/vz/cp/?$ /vz/cp/panel/plesk/frameset [R]
    # For correct SSO work the next rule must be replaced by:
    # RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^previous_page=login_up
    # RewriteRule ^/index\.php /vz/cp/panel/plesk/frameset [R]
    RewriteRule ^/login\.php3.*$ /vz/cp/panel/plesk/frameset [R]
    RewriteRule ^/(vz|psa|favicon.ico) - [L]
    RewriteRule ^(/.*)$ http://%{SERVER_ADDR}:8880$1 [P,QSA]

    SetEnv VZCP_PORT 8443
    SetEnv VZCP_MODE_PLESK yes
    SetEnv VZCP_PSA_BASE_URL /vz/cp/panel/plesk/frameset

    ErrorDocument 502 /vz/cp/panel/plesk/noservice

  3. This config file 'plesk9-ssl.conf' should be included in /vz/root/1/etc/vzcp/httpd.conf by the following line after including 'plesk.conf':

    Include /etc/vzcp/addon_httpd_conf/plesk9-ssl.conf

  4. Restart Virtuozzo Control Panel service in order to apply changes:

    # vzctl exec2 1 service vzcp restart

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